
You can make a difference. Join Atachafalaya Basinkeeper with a donation today!

Atchafalaya Basinkeeper is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As such, all donations are tax deductible.

Annual Memberships

Choose a membership level that reflects your commitment to protecting and restoring the Basin.

*Commercial Fisherman please select Commercial Fisherman membership level and donation amount as desired. (Minimum membership $20.00)

  • Student.....................................$15+

  • Commercial Fisherman............$20+

  • Basic.........................................$30

  • Family.....................................$55+

  • Supporter.............................$50-99

  • Swamper..........................$100-499

  • Guardian.........................$500-999

  • Steward..............................$1,000+

Please consider giving on a monthly basis! Your recurring donation will be automatically deducted from your account each month.

  • If you use Grand Lake or the Atchafalaya Delta use the appropriate link for membership.

If contributing with a check, please make payable to:

Atchafalaya Basinkeeper
P.O. Box 410
Plaquemine, LA 70765

Protecting the Basin for Future Generations Even After You Are Gone

Many Waterkeepers throughout the world receive support from donations that people leave in their wills and trusts–this allows supporters to have a long-term impact without any upfront cost during their lifetimes. 

Creating a will is an impactful way to extend your love and generosity to the people and missions that you hold dear, and you can donate as little or as much as you want. In Louisiana, you can leave a gift for Atchafalaya Basinkeeper through either a handwritten or typed document. 


In Louisiana, you can create a handwritten will (called an Olographic testament) by create a document that meets the following requirements:

  1. It clearly expresses your intended donation, the intended recipient, and your clear intent for the document to be your last will and testament. (i.e., “It is my intention to make this writing my last will and testament. I wish to leave XXXXXX to Atchafalaya Basinkeeper, the non-profit organization with the federal tax identification number 51-0526541.”

  2. It is handwritten in your own handwriting, such that someone could recognize that it is your handwriting. 

  3. It is signed.

  4. It is dated

Typed or Printed Document

If you do not wish to handwrite your will, you can leave a gift by creating what is called a Notarial Testament. Such a document must meet the following requirements:

  1. The document must be written, typed, or printed in a language that you can read and understand, and you must be able to read and write and sign your own name on this document.  

  2. It must clearly express your intended donation, the intended recipient, and your clear intent for the document to be your last will and testament. (i.e., “It is my intention to make this writing my last will and testament. I wish to leave XXXXXX to Atchafalaya Basinkeeper, the non-profit organization with the federal tax identification number 51-0526541.

  3. The document must be signed in the presence of a notary public and two competent witnesses (individuals over 16 who are sane, can sign their own name, and are not receiving any donations in the will).

  4. You must sign each page of the document and at the end of the document.

  5. The document must be properly dated.

  6. The notary and the witnesses must sign an “attestation clause” at the end of the will that states that all requirements are met, and they must do so in your presence. 

When you are creating a will, it is best that you work with an attorney and contact any included organizations before leaving a gift to them, but this link ( will allow you to create a draft document that can assist you in this process.